Ros Tutorial

The purpose of this project is to document our implementation of ROS and teach lab members how to use it for a number of purposes specific to the activities of a robotics lab like the IDEAlab.

In contrast with its name, ROS is not an operating system. It is a way to have vast, disparate sources of data come together in networked way in order to perform tasks important to robotics, such as simulation, sensing, control, learning, and teleoperation. It coordinates the transfer of information from one place to another in a way that is scalable

This tutorial series has been deprecated as it has not been checked or tested in a couple years. Please use it for inspiration but not as a a source of truth

Create a new message

Steps Create Message roscd thorlabs_linear_actuator/ mkdir msg cd msg nano write.

Creating Scripts

Steps see for details on how to customize create the scripts directory and pull talker and listener examples

Using the Mark-10

prep the host machine in a virtualbox environment Download and install drivers from the mark 10 website

UR5 Information

Resources URX Python Package Universal Robots ROS Driver/Library UR Toolbox

Installing and Running the Novint Falcon

Introduction This tutorial describes how to install and run a Novint falcon in an Ubuntu virtual machine.

Using the Thorlabs linear stage

Introduction These instructions are for loading and running the thorlabs linear stage in ROS.

Using Arduino with ROS

Introduction These instructions were for how to create the package from scratch.

Getting the Logitech c930 working with ROS

Using a USB webcam (with virtualbox) Introduction Making a usb webcam work in Linux AND virtualbox is not as easy as it sounds.

Installing OpenCV

install opencv for python sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-opencv # may be done already depending on what you installed.

Creating a custom Photon Package

Introduction These instructions were used to create the photon package. Please see the package in the src directory to see the resulting code and setup