Ros Tutorial

The purpose of this project is to document our implementation of ROS and teach lab members how to use it for a number of purposes specific to the activities of a robotics lab like the IDEAlab.

In contrast with its name, ROS is not an operating system. It is a way to have vast, disparate sources of data come together in networked way in order to perform tasks important to robotics, such as simulation, sensing, control, learning, and teleoperation. It coordinates the transfer of information from one place to another in a way that is scalable

This tutorial series has been deprecated as it has not been checked or tested in a couple years. Please use it for inspiration but not as a a source of truth

Running Ros on a Raspbery Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS

Introduction Installing ROS on a Raspberry Pi 4 is difficult because, though the ubuntu images seem good to go, I experienced unknown problems setting up a headless install of ubuntu 18.

Getting UVC working with Raspberry Pi

Steps install uvc stuff. sudo apt update sudo apt install -y libuvc-dev guvcview cheese v4l-utils # sudo apt install uvccapture uvcdynctrl try guvcview or cheese to see if you can see video output(may need to install):

CV Bridge and Python 3

getting cv_bridge working with python 3 is less straightforward. you need to recompile cv_bridge locally.

Korg Nano

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0944", ATTR{idProduct}=="010f", MODE="666" sudo cp 98-korg-nano.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ sudo chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.

LibCamera Info

LibCamera Read more about the new libcamera. This may make some of the following information old

Setting up OptiTrack

Links Install sudo apt install ros-melodic-mocap-optitrack Create a rigid body and ensure it is being transmitted from Motiv Edit mocap.

Ubuntu Prep

In ubuntu Check that you are a member of the following groups