


Getting Meta-data from images and videos

from here sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl exiftool video_file.mp4

github actions info

Using Hugo with Github Actions automated deploytment on github pages detailed setup actions-gh-pages Pandoc with github actions https://github.

Handy Termux Commands

pkg install openssl openssh gnupg iproute2 pkg install nmap # port scanning pkg install dnsutils # dig pkg install termux-tools termux-setup-storage pkg install python3 git pkg install cmake pip install matplotlib pkg update pkg install tsu # is this necessary?

identify packages added using apt’s log

first step is to find the first line number where a particular date occurs

install git clients

flatpak install -y flathub \ com.jetpackduba.Gitnuro # io.github.gitahead.GitAhead \ # com.

installing gitman on windows

Support for multiple github accounts install choco Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.

    Installing GrapheneOS on a Pixel 4a

    Instructions derived from Download Developer Tools sudo apt install android-sdk-platform-tools-common sudo apt install signify-openbsd echo "alias signify=signify-openbsd" >> ~/.

    Kobo Ebook Reader information

    This link was the most helpful overview: Disabling user id requirements #cd /path/to/the/ereader/.