


Micropython on Linux

sudo apt-get install build-essential libffi-dev git pkg-config git clone<your-user-name>/micropython cd micropython git remote add upstream https://github.

Mujoco / Conda Usage notes

Conda-based installation If you’ve got conda, you should use conda packages, otherwise the render engine will not see your system graphics libraries, even if you install them.

Multiple Clocks in Ubuntu / Gnome

sudo apt install -y gnome-clocks flatpak install -y com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager flatpak run com.

NoIP Client Configuration

To Make and Install the Client Go to noip’s dynamic update client for ubuntu (noip2)

Orange Pi Zero2 Information

Introduction Note: the most important and helpful resource is the manual, which is available here.

overleaf projects

when making a new overleaf project: integrate with github by creating a new repositoiry.