


Removing Snap from Ubuntu

This is useful for stalled updates when installing ubuntu-desktop-minimal on a server.

Rsync Quickref

quick recipes Local rsync -haviP –inplace –delete-before –no-compress /storage/nas/photos /media/danaukes/extreme-ssd/ rsync -haviP –inplace –delete-before –no-compress –exclude-from="/home/danaukes/code/code_scripts/rsync_ignore.

Running Ros2 on an ESP32

Virtualbox guest master setup create a virtual machine Networking: Select bridged networking install ubuntu 22.

Setup Samba from Bash

Make your folder mkdir ~/happy chmod 0700 ~/happy Set up samba sudo apt install samba sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.

Shell Script Examples

How to find the directory of the script #!/bin/bash MY_PATH="dirname \"$0\"" $MY_PATH/relative/path/to/other/file pass arguments on to another script

Simple Netplan Config

Example update enp0s3 to match your ethernet interface update ip4 address to match an available address

Speech Conversion Tech sudo apt-get install -y portaudio19-dev pip install pyaudio pip install RealtimeSTT