Ubuntu Setup

01-Installation Notes

Introduction These notes are from memory, so they may be out of order.


Things you will need ssh public key configuration backup file gpg key First, update apt sudo apt update #save this for the end # sudo apt upgrade -y If a Virtual machine make sure you are a member of the vboxusers and vboxsf groups ^[https://www.

Install Tailscale

for raspberry pi sudo apt install curl -y general installation https://pkgs.

02-Import Keys

Install and Setup Install gnupg, nautilus integration (seahorse), and restart nautilus

restore configurations

gpg –output ~/backup.tar.gz –decrypt /my/remote/filesystem/backup_settings.tar.gz.gpg tar -xzf ~/backup.tar.gz decompress rclone settings

    simple gitman install

    sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-venv build-essential libffi-dev python3 -m venv ~/envs/gitman .

      03-Install and Setup rclone

      Install rclone sudo apt install -y curl curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash If you have a previous config for rclone, it should be encrypted before backing up.

      Install Common Tools

      This assumes you installed a “minimal” version of Ubuntu apt packages first Update your software first

      05-Conda Install

      Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda Windows Linux 64-bit Miniconda 64-bit Miniconda Linux Install cd ~/Downloads wget https://repo.