
Controlling Virtualbox from the Terminal

Starting/stopping/pausing a VM Now the fun begins. First, you must know the name of the VM you want to run.

Installing Windows 11 on Virtualbox

Settings that worked for me Skip unattended installation 200gb vhd (flexible size) 8192 Mb Ram TPM: None EFI On Enable Secureboot: No

Intricacies of working with two virtual machine clones

Even if you have two vm clones with different mac addresses, you need to tell ubuntu how exactly the machine identifies itself on the network for the two clones to get separate ip addresses.

Modify VM Machine Information

Sometimes its useful to declare your computer type in virtualbox as something other than a virtual machine.

Shrinking Virtualbox Hard Drives

Derived from these instructions on HowToGeek In this tutorial we assume a linux host and a windows guest

Start VirtualBox VM as a Service

Steps Ensure you are a member of vboxusers group sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USER Create a script cat <<EOT > vbox_vm_start@.