
Linux / Bash Cheatsheet

Collected commands, tips, and tricks for working headless in Ubuntu

Git Commands

to clone a repository: git clone my_git_address Branches list local branches:

Grep Cookbook

Using grep by itself search for “searchtext”, ignoring case, ignoring binary files, recurisvely search, with line numbers, in this folder.

Using the find command in bash

Using the find command in bash Find all files below the current directory that match “tecmint.

Common Docker Commands

General Commands docker images docker pull docker create docker ps docker attach 3378689f2069 Deleting, cleanup docker run —rm image_name docker system prune docker container prune docker network prune docker image prune Ubuntu Image docker pull ubuntu docker run -d -t ubuntu # run detached docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash docker exec -it <containername> /bin/bash apt-get update docker compose run -it web /bin/bash Anaconda Image docker pull continuumio/anaconda3 docker run -it continuumio/anaconda3 /bin/bash Set up gui: https://dev.

05-Conda Install

Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda Windows Linux 64-bit Miniconda 64-bit Miniconda Linux Install cd ~/Downloads wget https://repo.

05-general python install

Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-venv sudo apt install -y build-essential # sudo apt install libgeos-dev python3 -m venv ~/envs/gen .

Controlling Virtualbox from the Terminal

Starting/stopping/pausing a VM Now the fun begins. First, you must know the name of the VM you want to run.

fixing file transfer bug in nautilus

Issue: Nautilus hangs when I try to copy large files to a NAS.

Installing and Using VNC

sudo apt update sudo apt install -y xfce4 xfce4-goodies tightvncserver vncserver vncpasswd vnc password ***** vncserver -kill :1 mv ~/.