
ESP32 Notes

please see these pages Example Projects External Links Official MicroPython Page Product Comparison https://johnmu.

05-Conda Install

Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda Windows Linux 64-bit Miniconda 64-bit Miniconda Linux Install cd ~/Downloads wget https://repo.

05-general python install

Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-venv sudo apt install -y build-essential # sudo apt install libgeos-dev python3 -m venv ~/envs/gen .

Configuring Atom for Python

Activate whatever conda environment you need to activate <environmentname> Install packages for atom

Django Development Workflow

Derived from here cd websites django-admin startproject murdermystery cd murdermystery python3 manage.

Post-Install Miscellaneous Steps

Install gnome tweaks sudo apt install gnome-tweaks Tweaking the GUI Open “Extensions” and turn off desktop icons Update firefox settings flatpak firefox settings found in ~/.

Blogger Extractor

A nice little package for exporting your blogger site to markdown.


A nice little program that can change capitalization. Includes installer.

Empty QT5 GUI

A nice little empty python package for developing qt5 guis, with installer setup file.