Work Blog

Simulating Spherical Mechanisms in MuJoCo

Introduction The purpose of this example is to show how easy it is to create spherical mechanisms in MuJoCo.

    Two new videos

    I have created two new tutorial videos for modeling complex 3D kinematics in CAD.

      Quaternion Tutorials

      I am adding a module on quaternions to my flexible robotics class, and am pretty happy with the way it is turning out.

        Flexible Robotics, Mujoco, and Visas

        I arrived at Bilkent University this week, and immediately jumped in to course creation with Onur Ozcan.

          Mujoco Updates

          This week I’ve been learning MuJoCo and have some informal things to share about what I’ve learned so far^[I’m talking about the python interface in this article.

            Updates on MuJoCo

            Installing mujoco on linux with anaconda is not well documented. I’ve gotten an install to work, and finally without many of the hacks recommended around the web.

              Microdot Updates

              I’m slowly trying to merge some existing servo code with a micro web framework called microdot in order to be able to encode “gait” parameters from a webpage on an ESP32.

                Servo Comparison

                When I’m developing a course or camp, I often don’t have time to do in-depth research on parts or to pre-order multiple rounds of test parts in order to properly research what I need.

                  First Post

                  The idea of this section of my website is to document some of my daily work during my sabbatical year and hopefully onward.